Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Finally more pictures!

Here you can see mom and I reading Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss. With both parents being teachers, I suppose it's natural that they begin reading to me early. Even though I don't understand everything, I still love to look at the pictures.
I love spending time with my dad! He likes to lay me on the floor and talk and play with me. Here you can see I'm just delighted!

I finally got a big girl bed! And I sleep like a big girl, too...sometimes for eight hours straight!
Above, you see my newest favorite area of study...my feet! Many times mom and dad peek into my room to see if I'm awake, and I've got both feet in the air. It's the best way to inspect them (my feet, not mom and dad!)
Daddy put me up here so I could have a new vantage point. I love staring at the cats, and this is a great place to do it!


Jen said...

Trena is looking so grown up. I take it she likes sleeping at night a little more (I hope for your sakes). Looks good, guys!

Farmgirl Cyn said...

Awww! She is so darn cute! Wishin' I could wrap my arms around her!!!