Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Day at Yellowstone

Yesterday we decided to take a mini vacation to Yellowstone Mammoth Springs. Here is the view from the valley, looking up at the springs.
We ate lunch on the lawn in the shade. It was VERY hot in the sun! Trena enjoyed sitting by Giselle during lunch time. Trena already had missed out on a long nap (she took a short one on the way up) so her mood was not the best.
During our lunch, we looked up to see several elk walking around as if they owned the place! They sought out the shade provided by the many houses in the area. We saw them lounging around every time we passed by.

1 comment:

Farmgirl Cyn said...

love that photo of Trena! So typical of her! A bit of a scowl, with those deep brown eyes!
Love her to pieces!