Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Just a little bit of hang out time with my daddy and mommy

I love looking at faces! It's my favorite thing to stare at. A close second is anything light...lamps, windows, computers...I can't get enough of them!
Here I am with mommy. We were just enjoying each others company here. I think I was tell her a story. She's really interested to find out what I have to say.
Daddy and I are sitting on the couch here. It was during one of my crabby times, so I admit I don't look terribly happy here. However, I do love my daddy and I enjoy playing with him.

I think I was a little happier here. Daddy and I are having a serious conversation. Daddy is very good at figuring out what I'm talking about when I tell him things.

1 comment:

Farmgirl Cyn said...

She is so beautiful! I love that baby girl!