Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A day in the life of Trena: awake time

So how do I spend my awake time, you ask? Well, my newest favorite is a swing mommy and daddy borrowed from a friend. I can stand about 15 minutes in it, which means that mommy or daddy can do a few things. However, it doesn't take long until I'm crabbing away and need to be picked up again!

Above, here I am on my diaper changing table. As you can imagine, I spend quite a bit of time on this thing. I'm not always as contented as this picture shows, but I don't do too badly.

Below, you can see me in my stroller. I know the stroller part doesn't show, but you can tell I'm well bundled for a chilly ride through the condos nearby. Mommy gets a little cabin feverish, so off we go. I love it when she goes over bumps. It makes me fall asleep!

Well, now you know a little bit of how I spend my time around here. Mommy and daddy keep me well entertained, even though sometimes I do get a little crabby.

1 comment:

Farmgirl Cyn said...

I love that baby girl!