Monday, July 28, 2008

Settling In

After two days of driving and numerous cries from the cats, we've arrived in Montana. Our current situation leaves us staying as guests for the time being. Two different families have been kind enough to have us in their homes while our new place is being lined up. Their hospitality is wonderful!
Our new address will be 5020 Westlake Rd., Bozeman, MT, 59718.
Our place is a carriage house. It is near the highway, but it also offers excellent views of the Bridger Range. It is a 900 square foot studio, which we felt was the best way to go: they could accept cats, the owners are supporters of Manhattan Christian, and the rent would not be a large burden to us, especially since we are still making mortgage payments in Holland. We are blessed to have this opportunity, as we hope to save a little money living there.
Right now our stuff is in two of the stalls at the carriage house, so access to email and most of our other stuff won't happen for a week or two yet.
We have had a few adventures so far:
  1. Tour of a potato farm. (4 years before a seed potato is ready!)
  2. A visit to Yellowstone. ( a tremendous amount of water coming from the Upper Falls of the Yellowstone River)
  3. Canoeing down the Madison River to Missouri Headwaters State Park. (We waded in the waters and even let the current move us along!)
  4. Three different pizza establishments - We hope to sample others to find the best there is!
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, as you are also in ours.
Blessings to you,
Jon and Giselle

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