Friday, October 9, 2009

Modeling some new outfits from Memere!

Earlier this week, Memere (Giselle's mom, french for Grandma, pronounced "memay") sent some adorable outfits...and we do mean adorable! The timing was amazing. Cold weather is setting in here in Churchill, Montana, and Trena was sorely in need of long sleeved outfits. Well, thank goodness for Memere! She saved the day, and sent two big boxes stuffed full of outfits for Trena to wear, and they almost all fit her! Thank you so much, Memere! We love you!

Every night, Trena takes a bath before bed. You can see her with her dad, all cozy in purple pajamas. Usually, we comb her hair and she ends up with a pretty normal looking style. However, we decided to try something different the other night. We left her hair pretty much as is, only brushing part of it. Anyway, we ended up in the morning with some cute curls!


Farmgirl Cyn said...

It's a good thing she looks pretty in pink!!! I love that girl!

Farmgirl Cyn said...

I forgot to say how much I love her curly natural! Just like Memere's!