Monday, September 7, 2009

Hey! There she is again!

The two pictures here are just Trena hanging out with mom. We've been working on getting her to turn over on the floor, and she's come really close. She did turn over twice on our bed, but not on the floor yet.

During the first video, we tried to get Trena to give us a goofy smile. She's been smiling with her eyes all squinty, her nose wrinkled up and her mouth as wide as she can make it. The "goofy smile" is different from her "regular smile". I am convinced that she does it on purpose to make us laugh. She does it a little bit during this video, but she was so busy staring at mom with the camera that she was a bit distracted. The next video shows Trena's fascination with Jon's keys. She became so excited that she could hardly contain herself.

1 comment:

Farmgirl Cyn said...

Is it possible for her to be getting cuter and cuter with every new picture???