Sunday, March 1, 2009

Prayers answered, Trena Constance VanDerLaan arrives!

Whew! Trena is here!

A short timeline:

12:30 a.m. Thursday morning, Early labor pains begin.

10:00 Thursday morning - go to hospital.

In the meantime, early labor continues, but dilation stays at 2 cm.

10:00 Thursday evening. We are sent home.

Labor pains continue through the night, but it is still early labor. The pace quickens at 9:40, and by 11:00 Friday morning, we head back to the hospital.

Progress continues throughout Friday, but slowly.

7:30 Friday night: The baby is low enough that the doctor can break the water.
11:00 Friday night: After difficult pains, an epidural is administered. Some needed sleep happens Friday night.

Daytime, Saturday: Epidural becomes less effective. Slowly, dilation continues.

6:00 Saturday night (or near that!): Dilation is at 9cm, but this is not enough since the water broke, and one last hour or so of labor will hopefully get us to 10cm. But progress has been slow all along, and the doctor is considering a C-section. A rather discouraging option considering the pain that Giselle has endured to this point. (She wants credit for those labor pains!!)

After prayer with the doctor and nurses, and after many other prayers said, we finally reach 10cm!

The doctor said that there were three hours of pushing, though I remember only two! The pushing that Giselle did was excellent. Yet Trena (long black hair quite visible at this point) is having trouble at the last stage.

Two answers to prayer: An OB-GYN knew of our case, and stopped by - and helped! A nurse stayed well past her shift, and played an important role. When the time came an episiotomy was performed in swift and timely fashion. The team of doctors and nurses did an incredible job!
At first, Trena had a purple color, and needed extra oxygen. But by Sunday morning, she was breathing normally without help, and all other concerns that the doctors had (all due to the stressful delivery) were nearly taken care of, including a heart murmur.

Praise be to the Lord!

Before the due date, we would often pray for a smooth delivery. This did not happen, yet God answered prayers!


Unknown said...

She's beautiful! Congratulations to both of you! Giselle, I commend you on ALL of your hard work and dedication to going through this long process!

iskye2004i said...

Congratulations, Jon and Giselle! I knew you could do this thing, Giselle. You made me proud to call you a work-out buddy (and friend, too, of course). I am so excited to see the little peanut. Oh, and Chris and I want you to know that we are disappointed that you didn't stick with Harper Puckett for the name! :) God bless you! Love you guys! Marylou

Jen said...

Congratulations you guys! What a beautiful girl! LOVE all of that dark hair. Sent this message on to David at work. So sorry about that delivery, but have been thinking about you ALL weekend. Looks like you needed every prayer I sent towards heaven. Looking forward to more pics (hint, hint). Giselle, take your time getting back to normal. You need the rest and little Trena will understand :) Blessings to you all!

Farmgirl Cyn said...

She is SO beautiful! Giselle, she looks just like you when you were born! I think Trena has just a bit more hair than you did...just a bit, tho!

savvycityfarmer said...

hi Giselle...from Chicago burbs...congratulations.

I was being kept up to date minute by minute...mostly because I was stalking your Mom...poor thing, every time I called she probably thought it was you...

A hearty welcome to Trena Constance.
We all know what Godly wisdom you will both pour in to this child.

she truly is a gift from God and a beautiful one...there's nothing like the proclamation "it's a girl"

Dozer said...

Congrats! (from the Dozemans) What a beautiful little girl. :)