Monday, January 12, 2009

Christmas 08

What a great time we had with family over Christmas. Ok, I'll say the caption, and you have to identify the picture.

And,First: Togetherness. Second: Mom and Grandson. Third: I will not smile for my uncle! Fourth: Warmth for the winter ahead. Fifth: Matriarch and Patriarch.

These are, of course, gift-giving ceremonies from our families, but we are first and foremost grateful to know the blessing of God With Us! That is something to celebrate everyday.

Our trip to Michigan taught us not to follow a snowstorm, and that Northwest Airlines ought to have a mascot named the "scapegoat." (We needed something to take out our frustration.)
We had a relatively uneventful flight back to Montana, though, and we are fortunate to know God is blessing us - job, spouse, and soon-to-be-child! The apartment has been rearranged, and if our enthusiasm over getting the diaper back we wanted means anything, we'll be jumping up and down for days when the child actually comes! (Ok, I'll grant that Giselle might want to jump up and down a while later.) :)

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