Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Things we love about Trena

Jon and I were talking the other day about...who else but Trena? I had been thinking about all the things I love about her. Some of them are pictured here.

I love that she already has a love of books. You can see by the two pictures that she was so involved in her book that she paid no attention to Jon holding the camera (although she did catch on). Hopefully, this translates to a love of reading which is possessed by both of her parents.

Both Jon and I love her "tough guy look". Whenever Jon asks for this look, she makes a scrunched up nose face. You can see it on the picture of her wearing a green shirt (without the bib). We want to teach her out to growl along with it, but that will come later.

In the video, you'll see her personality a little bit. She does a little "talking" and also reaches for something way off to the side. She is doing that more often, and hopefully she'll take on crawling soon.

I love how she waves to EVERYONE. Everyone at Walmart. People driving by as we walk outside. It's such a friendly thing to do.

I love how she snuggles into me just because she wants to.

I love watching her fall asleep.

I simultaneously love and hate how she imitates me. It's so flattering, but yet I want to say to her, "No! Don't be like me! Be better than me!"

And now...I hear someone waking up from her nap. Almost two hours! Good girl, Trena!

1 comment:

Farmgirl Cyn said...

I know ALL about the love/hate thing goin' on...I have the same thing with all you kids!
We love Trena cause she's our grandbaby! Can't wait to get our hands on her! Hugs from memere...
