Saturday, April 17, 2010

Here are yet more pictures of Trena. The ones with the bow in her hair were taken this afternoon. Her hair is getting so long that it's in her eyes a lot, which means...The Bow. For the record, Trena does not like The Bow. But it's either The Bow, or The Haircut, and momma says "No!" to the haircut. Hence, The Bow.

The picture with Trena in a dress was taken Easter Sunday. I figured she needed to wear a dress at least once this year.

The video...I just realized that the only time we use the video option on our camera is when she's in the bath. What can I say? Bathtime is very entertaining. The duck game you saw Jon playing with her is one she plays almost every evening. She screeches so loudly we wonder what our poor downstairs neighbor thinks.

1 comment:

Farmgirl Cyn said...

These are the best yet! The one where she is looking back? SO CUTE!!!
I can't wait to see her again!
And you guys too, of course!