Friday, January 29, 2010

Trena has been learning how to feed herself over the past week. There's always a mess to clean up afterward, but well worth the effort!

Trena just discovered the fun of boxes today. Now we know what to get her for her birthday next month! :)

One of Trena's favorite toys is her "bouncing seat". If she happens to be sitting there when her daddy comes home, it's party time!


Farmgirl Cyn said...

When she wrinkles her nose like that, she looks just like you when you were a baby, Giselle!
She looks so much more grown up then when we saw her 1 month ago!

Gina Young said...

Trenas hair allready looks longer from x-mas! Long lucsious locks! Need to start puttin some piggies in her hair! ha ha!